514 867-3949 info@lusciouslotus.com


Renee’s Blog posts

Blog – April 8, 2020 Now that many of us have a little more time on our hands, we have found ourselves doing things we have been wanting to do for a long time, but never got around to. For me, that was starting a blog, and what better time […]

Daily Inspirations During Covid19 Pandemic

Words have the capacity to elevate us and remind us of our innate capacity to rise above difficult and challenging times. Beautifully written words have the capacity to heal. This Daily Inspiration series shares excerpts from books and authors that have inspired me. In sharing, I hope to inspire others […]


Certified Yoga Instructor, Renee Mollitt, RYT500


Workshops and retreats to enhance your yoga practice

About Yoga

Some Yoga Basics…